<HTML><HEAD> <!-- --------------- Marquee Message --------------- --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- hide from old browsers /* THE JAVASCRIPT COOKBOOK by Erica Sadun, webrx@mindspring.com Copyright (c)2000 by Charles River Media. All Rights Reserved. This applet can only be re-used or modifed by license holders of the JavaScript Cookbook CD-ROM. Credit must be given in the source code and this copyright notice must be maintained. If you do not hold a license to the JavaScript Cookbook, you may NOT duplicate or modify this code for your own use. Use at your own risk. No warranty is given or implied of the suitability of this applet for any specific application. Neither Erica Sadun nor Charles River Media will be held responsible for any unwanted effects due to the use of this applet or any derivative. */ //------------------------Message Travel Functions------------- // String to Shoot var str = "" // Shoot a Date across the Screen function shootDate() { if (str == "") { // initialize the string now = new Date() str = now.toLocaleString() } else { // shoot it slowly by adding just a few spaces str = " " + str } // Update the Status Bar window.status = str // check if we've reached the right hand part of the screen if (str.length < 180) {JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootDate()',100)} else {str = ""} } // Shoot a "Comet" across the Screen function shootComet() { if (str == "") { str = "0" // initialize commet } if (str.length < 8) { str = ">)-" + str // draw tail } else { str = " " + str // shoot it } // Update the Status Bar window.status = str // Check if we've reached the right hand part of the screen if (str.length < 150) {JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootComet()',100)} else {str = ""} } // Shoot an Arrow across the Screen function shootArrow() { if (str == "") { str = ">" // initialize arrowhead } if (str.length < 8) { str = "--" + str // draw arrow } else { str = " " + str // shoot it } // Update the Status Bar window.status = str // Check if we've reached the right hand part of the screen if (str.length < 150) {JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootArrow()',100)} else {str = ""} } <!-- done hiding --></SCRIPT></HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="ffffff" link="0000ff" vlink="770077"> <FONT COLOR="007777"><H1><IMG SRC="../GRAFX/UTENS.JPG" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=50 ALIGN = LEFT>Marquee #4</H1></FONT> <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT COLOR="770000"> This script shoots a moving missile on request from the user. Shoot any of the following missiles. </FONT></BLOCKQUOTE> <CENTER><FORM> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Shoot An Arrow" onClick="JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootArrow()',500);"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Shoot A Comet" onClick="JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootComet()',500);"><br> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Shoot The Date" onClick="JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootDate()',500);"> </FORM></CENTER> <BR><BR> <FONT COLOR="007777"><H2>Discussion</H2></FONT> <FONT SIZE=4> Unlike the previous scripts, this script is initialized from a button. When the missile has finished its flightpath, no further timeouts are registered. <FONT COLOR="770000"><PRE><null >if (str.length < 150) // off the screen<br><null > {JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('shootArrow()',100)}<br><null >else {str = ""} // just reset the string<br><null ></PRE></FONT> </FONT> <h5>Copyright ©1996 by Charles River Media, All Rights Reserved</h5> </BODY> </HTML>